Magical calendula

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This characteristic, orange coloured blossom is very common in gardens. Despite this ordinariness it is described as magical and mysterious plant. Do wy know what is the real power of calendula?

Olive for masagge
Olive with calendula is very good for massage and at the same time smoothes scars and stretch marks:
Place fresh calendula petals (about 1/3 of the volume) into the jar, pour the oil (sunflower oil, olive oil or other). Set aside for 2 weeks in a sunny place, strain and use!
Multifunctional infusion
1 or 2 pinches of dried calendula flowers pour with a glass of boiling water, cover and leave for a minimum of 15 minutes.
Use internally for digestive problems or externally for washing facial skin, rinsing hair, gargle, or for eye wraps.
Liquid for wounds
Put petals of calendula in a small bottle or in a jar and poured with rectified spirit. Set aside for 2-3 weeks in a sunny place, then drain and store in a sealed container. Suitable for washing injuries, abrasions, etc.

Calendula officinalis is also known as pot merigold, ruddles, common marigold or Scotch marigold. It is annual plant from the family Asteraceae. It is probably native to southern Europe, though its long history of cultivation makes its precise origin unknown. It is also widely naturalised further north in Europe and elsewhere in warm temperate regions of the world.

The appearance of calendula is so characteristic that we all know it. The orange-yellow flowers of regular shape look like from the children’s drawing. It is decoration of many gardens from July to late fall.

Why is calendula magical?

For ages petals of calendula flowers were considered as a kind of talisman – they were supposed to protect from bad dreams – that is why petals were scattered under beds. Furthermore calendula flowers putted in orange pouch and weared close to solar plexus were supposed to protect from fears and hallucinations. All these mistical stories about magical properties of calendula were caused by the association with the sun – flowers of calendula are turning to the sun and the shape and color of flowers is sun-like. Therfore the Energy and power of the sun was associated with calendula.

What is the real power of calendula?

Calendula is one of the oldest herbal raw material. In acient ages it was known as a good for skin. In XII cetrury Hidegard of Bingen recommended the calendula infusion for poisonig: „whoever would eat poison, or if someone wanted to poison him, let brew calendula in the water, squeeze it and put it warm on the stomach. Calendula will dilute the poison and banish from the guts. Then let the patient boil the wine and throw a calendula in it, boil it again and drink. In this way, everything that was poison would come out of his body, either through the nose or in the saliva that had been cough and spit out”

We currently know the following calendula applications:
– externally to accelerate wound healing, to treat ulcers, abrasions and bruises, as well as burns, frostbites and varicose veins
– on mucous membranes as an anti-inflammatory and antibacterial agent
– for conjunctivitis and eye irritation
– internally for indigestion and inflammation of the digestive system
– immunity support
– in soothing cosmetics for sensitive skin
– in the kitchen – as a spice or edible decoration of dishes

If you want to use the power of calendula you can find some easy tips in the frame.