Yellow me! Forsythia tea time!

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Have you checked out where forsythia grows? No? Than by all means do it! This plant improves our immunity!

Strengthening forsythia infusion

Take a handful of fresh or dried forsythia blossoms and sprinkle some spirit on them.

Then pour all of it with 2 cups of boiling water.

Cover and leave it for 40 minutes.

Strain the infusion and sip throughout the day.

Out with diseases!

You may eat forsythia straight off the bush or you can collect a handful of petals, mix it with salad and your favourite lemon- and honey-based vinaigrette. Forsythia contains rutin, which has strong antioxidant properties, thanks to which it protects and prolongs the activity of another important antioxidant – vitamin C.

Lemon juice, rich in vitamin C, additionally reinforces the effects of forsythia, while honey has antibiotic properties, prevents fever and cough. Moreover, it helps fall asleep, alleviates stress and balances blood pressure. When we feel like we’re coming down with something, a forsythia infusion is worth a try!

PS. Collect more forsythia branches and put some of them in a vase! Nothing adds more spring charm to you home than small, yellow flowers.